Junooniyatt, a musical drama that intricately weaves the lives of Elahi, Jahaan, and Jordan, has gradually etched a special place in the hearts of its viewers. The ongoing storyline of the show centres on Elahi’s contemplation of granting her relationship with Jahaan a second chance. She has firmly resolved to seek a divorce from Jordan and extricate herself from the disrespectful relationship.
The recent promo has already created a buzz among the audience; the show will take an exciting turn with a tragic moment in Jahaan and Elahi’s lives. Elahi has ultimately chosen to grant her relationship with Jahaan a second chance. As she ponders this decision, the unmistakable sound of a gunshot pierces the air. To her horror, a mysterious assailant fires a shot that strikes Jahaan in the chest, leaving him in a pool of blood. Overwhelmed by shock and despair, Elahi pleads with Jahaan to hold on and not surrender to his injuries. Despite the pain, Jahaan is grateful as he gazes into Elahi’s eyes, seeing her deep concern and affection for him.
It will happen that Jahaan will be portraying the character of Sultaan, and it is during this performance that Elahi will discover Jahaan’s true identity as Sultaan. However, a sudden and unfortunate turn of events occurs when a terrorist attack occurs, leading to the abduction of everyone present, including Jordan. In a valiant effort to rescue the hostages, Jahaan puts his life on the line and gets shot.
The fate of Jahaan remains uncertain, leaving the audience in suspense. Will he survive this ordeal, or will he succumb to his injuries? The answer to this question will be revealed in due course, and viewers will have to wait and watch to find out.