Sony Entertainment Television, the captivating show “Kavya – Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon” features the incredibly talented Sumbul Touqeer Khan in the role of Kavya. This narrative follows the journey of an ambitious IAS officer, Kavya, who is determined to serve the nation and help the common man. Driven by her goal to be an IAS officer, Kavya is a strong female character unafraid to make tough choices and go beyond when put to the test.
In the previous episode, viewers witnessed Adhiraj lays bare his deepest desire and confess he wants Kavya in his life. He chooses her over everything.
In tonight’s gripping episode airing on December 4th, 2023, Kavya and Adhiraj find themselves navigating the path of love, yet Giriraj’s intentions to separate them intensify, fearing the revelation of his truth to the public. Simultaneously, Kavya’s father, Rajeev, opposes their relationship due to Adhiraj being Giriraj’s son.