With its intriguing premise, the coming-of-age drama “Sapnon Ki Chhalaang” on Sony Entertainment Television has already piqued the viewers’ interest. Posing a simple question to stereotypical minds, the show asks why a girl cannot take her Sapnon Ki Chhalaang to an alien city and fulfil the opportunity of working at her dream job. It is this narrative that the protagonist, Radhika Yadav (Megha Ray) aims to change as she takes a leap of faith to the maximum city.
So far, viewers have witnessed Preeti returns to her roommates bruised. Baldev, Preeti’s husband, tries to get inside Radhika and Roomie’s house while they struggle to stop her.
In tonight’s episode, Wednesday, 14th June 2023, As Kartik pushes his boundaries and hurts Radhika’s feelings; making her emotional. In order to please Rajesh Nair, the company CEO, Radhika flirts with him, according to a rumor spread by Kartik at the office. Radhika lashes out at Kartik for making indecent statements to her while angst in her eyes. Kartika questions Radhika whether she is trying to defeat him. Radhika yells that she had already defeated him.
Will Radhika punish Kartik severely for his rude remark? Let us know in the comments below.