Ashi Singh reveals which character of hers does she relate to the most

Ashi Singh, celebrated for her memorable role in Sony TV’s ‘Ye Un Dino Ki Baat Hai,’ recently wrapped up filming for her latest project, ‘Meet.’ In an exclusive dialogue with India Forums, Ashi delved into her iconic character Naina and shared insights into the role she personally resonates with the most.

Addressing the connection fans draw between her and Naina, Ashi shared, ”People often tell me that they see a lot of Naina in me. However, on a personal level, I find a deeper connection with Yasmeen. Each of my characters has possessed unique qualities, and I’ve absorbed various traits from each. Reflecting on this, I realized that earlier, I used to overthink before attempting anything new. But after ‘Meet,’ I’ve become more fearless, adopting a mindset that encourages me to tackle challenges I once feared. So, after ‘Meet,’ I find it challenging to differentiate between the three characters.”

When questioned about the possibility of being typecast, Ashi dismissed the notion, stating, ”I don’t believe I’ve been typecast as Naina. In fact, I consider myself fortunate because all three characters I’ve portrayed have been distinctly different from one another. Yasmeen, in particular, was a departure from Naina, the character I portrayed immediately before her. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to play that character if I had been typecasted.”

In a reflection of her versatility, Ashi Singh’s characters have showcased a diverse range, with Yasmeen standing as a testament to her ability to embody distinct personas. She expressed gratitude for the opportunities that have allowed her to break away from any potential typecasting.

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